Dependable Performance

Dependable Performance


Description: Solithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of bacterial infections in animals, including respiratory and skin infections.

  • Category: Veterinary API
  • Use: Antibiotic
  • Dosage and Administration: As per veterinarian’s instructions.
  • CAS: 760981-83-7
  • Chemical Formula: C43H65FN6O10
  • Assay: Not specified
  • MoQ: 25kg
  • Product Sizes: Available in various sizes.

Description: Solithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of bacterial infections in animals, including respiratory and skin infections.

  • Category: Veterinary API
  • Use: Antibiotic
  • Dosage and Administration: As per veterinarian’s instructions.
  • CAS: 760981-83-7
  • Chemical Formula: C43H65FN6O10
  • Assay: Not specified
  • MoQ: 25kg
  • Product Sizes: Available in various sizes.

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